Hello Lovely,
As we embark on this journey of virtuous renaissance womanhood, I thought it essential to discuss the foundation, model, and this state of being a woman. Who is a virtuous renaissance woman? Where does the idea come from? What does it mean to have either virtuous or renaissance qualities? And, how do the two parallel?
Comparing the two starts a conversation, shares insight, and presents an archetype. This archetype represents a woman of excellent capability, morale, and worth. I am also on this journey and don’t claim to know it all.
The “Virtuous Woman” comes directly from the Bible, also known as “The Proverbs 31 Woman.” Proverbs is a book of wisdom in the Bible, written in poetry. Chapter 31 in the book of Proverbs introduces a prophecy told to King Lemuel by his mother. I encourage you to study this passage for yourself.
The Virtuous Woman
“Virtue” is the sum of her characteristics. The tenth verse of Proverbs chapter 31 introduces her as a wife. But, if we pay careful attention to the words, “Who can find a virtuous wife?” we understand that having virtue is a quality that exists before marriage. It is a quality that all women should work towards, regardless of marital status. But still, what does that word mean? To have Virtue is to have a high moral standard, according to the Oxford Dictionary.
Outside of the secular definition, the Bible gives us this blueprint. Here are the 12 most notable characteristics of a Virtuous Woman.
Qualities of a Virtuous Woman
2. She’s a HARD WORKER
4. She’s AN INVESTOR and makes smart investments
8. She’s INSIGHTFUL (has wisdom and intelligence)
9. She’s KIND in speech (check out this post on emotional control)
10. She’s a HOMEMAKER
11. Those closest to her know her worth and she is praised.
12. Her value comes from her FEAR IN THE LORD (not in her charm or looks)
The Renaissance Woman
As you can see, the qualities of the biblical virtuous woman are extensive. Now, let us look at the secular Renaissance Woman. There is not much of a blueprint for emulating this woman, but by definition, we know her to have many talents or areas of knowledge. Her many interests make her well-rounded. What we do know is that she was trained in the areas of arts and sciences; and committed to lifelong learning.
Both the biblical and the secular are exemplary. They both describe a woman who possesses great worth and is an asset to those closest to her. I can’t help but notice that the biblical example of this valuable woman has more depth and is less vague. The Bible focuses on the character qualities of an individual, in addition to developed skills, with emphasis on her love for God. In comparison, the secular renaissance woman tends to focus on just the surface level or worldly achievements.
The Word of God will forever be my ultimate blueprint of what it means to be a high-value woman, not what the world spews out to me through social media, society, others’ opinions, etc. You see, God has bought us with a price, and it is in our best interest to follow his lead in all things. I encourage you to follow God’s blueprint to become the woman he has ordained for you to be.
1 Corinthians 6:20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.
God Bless You!